Cryptocurrency Frontier AMC

The Cryptocurrency Frontier AMC invests in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies providing staking rewards, such as Ethereum, Solana, Algorand and Polkadot. The certificate also uses market neutral strategies including cash and carries with futures and premium generation with options.

All the cryptocurrencies we hold are securely stored offline in cold storage with Bitcoin Suisse.

Why Invest?

Risk-Adjusted Return

Bitcoin & Co. has provided investors with a higher return than any other asset class over the past decade, with demand for Bitcoin continuing to grow while supply remains limited. In fact, the rate at which new Bitcoins are released falls by 50% approximately every four years, or 210,000 transactions, as total supply approaches its 21million block limit. The resulting upward pressure on Bitcoin’s price has led to it rising in value by on average over 200% per year since 2014.

Cryptocurrency Frontier AMC aims to deliver best execution and secure storage through its trading and custody practices. We have set up a special purpose vehicle in Jersey to issue the certificate, ensuring there are no counterparty risks. The crypto assets the certificate invests in are stored in a vault in cold storage.

Unique Diversification Opportunity

Investing in Cryptocurrency Frontier AMC represents an attractive opportunity to diversify your broad portfolio with crypto assets. The returns of Bitcoin & Co. have exhibited a low correlation with those of traditional asset classes as well high intra-volatility. Bitcoin’s low correlation has enabled investors to increase the return of their broad portfolio without increasing the volatility of its returns. For example, a 2.5% allocation to Bitcoin in a 60/40 global stock and bond portfolio would have increased its Sharpe Ratio, a measure of risk-adjusted returns, by 41%.


Changing macroeconomic dynamics are challenging the traditional investment landscape. A rapid rise in inflation in Europe and the US has forced governments to raise interest rates at a time when both public and corporate debt levels are at all-time highs. It remains to be seen whether economies can sustain their current debt levels. Against this backdrop, investors are questioning the very concept of money and banking, prompting many to explore the borderless capital market rapidly growing on blockchain technology.

Performance Since Inception

Bitcoin indexed 08.06.2022 = 1000. AMC performance net of fees.
